Monday, October 29, 2007

Assault of the Carpet Monster

The creature waits in hiding, patient in ambush, blood on her mind and yearning in her claws.

When the moment is right, she springs from her lair, bent on killing!

Pure luck got the camera pointed in the right direction. Here is a never-before-seen view of the beast in mid strike.

Fortunately our screams broke her killing trance, and she retreated.

Later she cooled down in the basement, and took her Audi Quattro out for a spin.

She is always happier, and calmer, after running over pedestrians.

Stars and galaxies brought to you by Jim's Night Sky machine, plus a disco ball.


The Ruiner said...


I am most impressed that you caught the Carpet Monster on film, or memory stick, as it were. I have seen the monster many times as I sit and watch TV, or eat breakfast, or both. She is quick and sometimes silent. But if you catch her eye as she flies by, and listen closely, you can hear her giggle uncontrollably.


The Fighting Shy said...

Yes, giggling no doubt over the fear she inspires. I think you are very brave, very brave. Also, don't let her drive your car.

Anonymous said...

Good post.