Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Words and phrases that will no longer be tolerated in this establishment (a running list)

--Mindset: Persons using the word Mindset will be subject to various painsets, after which they will exhibit serious injurysets.

--Skillset: You will not have agilityset to escape our wrath. We might then go after your familyset.

--That being said: That being said, we will cease speaking.

--Metric: By any metric, you talk like a cretin.

--Too much on (his) plate.

--The whole nine yards.

--At the end of the day. At the end of the day, you may have given it the whole nine yards and found you have too much on your plate. That being said, you'll have the skillset to get the right metric for the mindset of your colleagues. But that shouldn't prevent serious drinking.


Thank you, Dr. Cajka! Yes, I don't know how I could have forgotten that. Drill down will absolutely not be tolerated, unless it's the sort of drilling down that goes, for example, through the speaker's head.


Dr. Cajka said...

Please please please ban "drill down into the info." In two hours of meetings with book sales reps today, I must have heard that phrase 267 times.

Anonymous said...

You need to cut down on the cough medicine.

Anonymous said...

"Active Adults" shouldn't make you sick....just think "activist". Such a more positive connotation, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

And I refuse to get all my ducks in a row and all on the same page to boot from day one.

Anonymous said...

But could you get your ducks in a row going forward?

Anonymous said...

I could, but it would be like herding cats.

Anonymous said...

Actually, its like nailing Jello to a tree.

Anonymous said...

You know, whether it's herding cats or nailing Jello, we're all up to speed on it, because we're team players.

Anonymous said...

We were team players once

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