Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Banning for all we're worth

More banned words and phrases:

--Granularity. Dr. Cajka wrote to tell us of textbooks that drill down into information. We also hear of drilling down, but it's often into granularity, or the granular level. The granular level is to be distinguished from the birdseye level, from which very little granularity can be seen. No one has ever told us what the granularity does to the drill, but it can't be good. And now that we think of it, don't birds usually see grains better than anybody?

--Push back. If you say we need to use this word, you'll get serious push back from us. Like, with a shovel.

--Take away. We dither in our discussion here, but there's often solid take-away. Useful take-away. Appetizing take-away. We often get our take-away with extra rice.


Anonymous said...

Please be sure to stay "on message" with your blog. We want to be sure your words "play" well in the "nation's midsection".

Dr. Cajka said...

Since this ban may leave some poor souls with no vocabulary to speak of, it seems incumbent upon you to suggest more creative, elegant or dare I say perspicacious alternatives.

Anonymous said...

Howdy from a Brooklynite. We don't go for the fancy stuff.

ShouldThisBeFuzzy? said...

Perhaps you've been "offsite" too long. As a "self-starter" (rather than a bio-fueled model), it would be an "added bonus" for you to "leverage" all of your "life experience" to prevent others "spinning their wheels" rather than using them as inventive headgear. Think of the "free gifts" you could receive for free!! As gifts, even. Off topic, but I think "wordsmithing" is a stupid word unless used by a metalworker to create iron alphabets.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, Fuzz, you're absolutely right LOL! Maybe we've all been offsite too long, spinning our wheels. But the added bonus you bring to this discussion will never be off topic.

ShouldThisBeFuzzy? said...

Such flattery. I am beyond words. Hence, I, Meredith Monk, am having a typist translate my interpretive dance into her own words to share with you.

Anonymous said...

and then there is lowly me, sitting here unable to correctly spell pirowette...a clunky comma amid curvaceous tildes...no Nureyev am I.

The Ruiner said...

I think if you do a Deep Dive on this subject you can really appreciate the message and finally Get Above The Din to understand it all.

But then again, perhaps you should drill down to the molecular level.

Anonymous said...

Slate has "weighed in" on the subject and they are "spot on", which is like being "pitch perfect" thinkest I.

